
Jindřich Štreit
Jindřich Štreit was born on 5 September 1946 in Vse-
tin. Since 1967 he has been living at Sovinec in North
Moravia, Czech Republic. Between the years
1990-2003 he taught externally in the Department
of Photography at the Film and Television Faculty of
the Academy of Music and Drama in Prague. Since
1991 he has been working in the Institute of Creative
Photography at the Arts and Sciences Faculty of the
Silesian University in Opava. He is the author of
almost tivo dozen documentary photography books.
Since the year 1967 he has had several hundred solo
exhibitions and he has taken part in a vast number
of group exhibitions all over Europe and beyond.
Jindrich Streit' photographs are housed in prominent
public collections in Europe, the United States
of America, and in Japan.