

Jindřich Štreit , the photographer, found his way into the mind of the general public as early as the “8os with his documentary photographs of country life from the Bruntál region, which now belong to the history of world photography. In his work a major role is ascribed to an intimate knowledge of the milieu and to his ability to understand interpersonal relations. In the ‘gos he started applying a similar view of the “global village” in his prints from abroad, e.g. from France, Austria, Hungary, England, Russia, Japan and other countries. Jindřich Štreit amazes us by his incredible ability to see what most of us either do not notice or do not want to notice at all.
His sense for topical social phenomena has brought him in the last decade to photographing a variety of social backgrounds where a man and his environment play a leading role. The first comprehensive profile ever of Streit introduces his work over a span of almost forty years. Mr. Tomás Pospèch, its main creator, has naturally chosen photographs for it that accentuate the rural setting. Thanks to a joint effort of the whole team of authors, the Gallery of Visual Arts (Galerie vitvarného umènî) in Ostrava and of the Museum of Arts (Muzeum umèni) Olomouc, the profle is accompanied by a retrospective on the photo- grapher’s life, which will have many a rerun both in the Czech Republic and abroad.