
Edith Geuppert

Portfolio Edith Geuppert Edith Geuppert (*2000) is currently studying photography at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts. In her work, she deals with global-political issues and the interplay between politics and civil society. In the heart of Rhineland Palatinate is the largest US air base outside the United States – Ramstein AirBase. Around […]

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Hans Günter Hausen †

Portfolio Hans Günter Hausen † Hans Günter Hausen was a passionate photographer and filmmaker, born 5 February 1927 in Kaiserslautern. His youthful years were overshadowed by the Second World War; he photographed the post-war situation, rubble, ashes and debris in his destroyed hometown. In 1950, Hausen went to the BiKl-Schule in Düsseldorf for 2 years;

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David Tesinsky

Portfolio DAvid Tesinsky Website of David Tesinsky >> I’ve been covering revolutionary youth in Iran, women warriors in the war-zone in Ukraine, serial killers portraits in Ukraine, gang problem and volunteering lifeguards in Guatemala, tragicomic life of Japanese businessmen, exorcism in Ethiopia, “Rap is our religion” – daily street life of the rappers in Detroit, NY and Baltimore, ghetto life in Jamaica and Ghana, victims of

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Kristina Lenz

Portfolio Kristina Lenz Kristina Lenz wurde 1992 in Mainz geboren. Sie studierte von 2013 bis 2018 Fotografie an der Fachhochschule Dortmund. Seit 2019 studiert sie Mediale Künste im postgraduierten Diplomstudiengang an der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln. Ihre Arbeit ‚Don’t touch me I’m full of Snakes‘ wurde 2016 für die Shortlist des Kassel Dummy Awards nominiert

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Lilli Breininger

Portfolio Lilli Breininger Lilli Breininger studierte Fotojournalismus und Dokumentarfotografie in Hannover sowie im Austauschprogramm an der Danish School of Media and Journalism in Aarhus, Dänemark. Ihren Magister hat sie in Soziologie, Psychologie und Ethnologie abgeschlossen. Das Studium hat sie noch näher mit ihrer zweiten Heimat verbunden – den Philippinen. Sie arbeitete als Autorin und Geschäftsführerin des

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Ezz Monem

Portfolio Ezz Monem Ezz Monem (born Mohamed Ezzeldin M. Abdelmonem, 1985) is an Egyptian artist living in Melbourne, Australia. He graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University in 2007 and worked as a software engineer, but his explorations in visual arts began years earlier. His work has been shown in exhibitions in Egypt, Australia

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Sylvie Guillaume

Portfolio Sylvie Guillaume Sylvie Guillaume is born in 1980 in Saarlouis, Germany. She lives and works in Nancy, France. After getting a national diploma of plastic arts and a master’s degree in performing arts, she decided to devote herself to photography with a particular interest in medium-format film. Since 2010, she make reports and portraits

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Lena Matrosova

Portfolio Lena Matrosova Lena Matrosova was born 1984 in Moscow in the former USSR, since 2008 she lives and works in Berlin. She studied Photography at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts as well as Linguistics and Communication Science at the Technical University of Berlin. The significant feature of her work is the open

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Steve Conlan

Portfolio Steve Conlan 1962, born in Bootle. It is almost inconceivable but those three simple words, an accident of birth, have had such a profound effect on my life as a photographer. Early years experience taught me that there were others who could decide our futures and categorise us as they saw fit: our little

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Doro Zinn

Portfolio Doro Zinn Doro Zinn (b. 1987) studied Political Sciences and Psychology and later photography at Ostkreuzschule in Berlin. She is interested in identity, marginalization and belonging and approaches these subjects engaging closely with the persons she photographs, conveying a deliberately personal approach. Her work is published in different magazines and has been exhibited internationally,

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